
Industrial Washing Technologies


Large manufacturing company


Technological overview of industrial washing solutions.

Identifying pros and cons of each technology, with respect to the field and usage.

After a first overview, defining the main technologies of interest and studying them both from a technical and a commercial point of view, characterising these technologies' suppliers.


State of the Art Technology Scouting


This technology scouting focused on the research of solutions applied in the industrial washing of components. Notably, the activity centered on those manufacturing sectors where components go under mechanical processing, such as milling, turning,  et c.

This research was carried out using technical and scientific sources, such as professional databases for the research of scientific publications, and public information provided through informative articles, promotional videos, companies’ websites and technical documents (i.e. manuals).

The activity allowed to clearly define the landscape of existing industrial washing solutions, providing at the same time a results’ contextualisation on the basis of the company’s needs.

Information collected were gathered in a customised report, according to the specific request of the company, in order to ensure the reusability and an eased consulting of key aspects.

For more information about the report


The washing of industrial components is a fundamental issue in many industrial fields, from the Automotive to the Pharma one, as it allows, among the others, to implement more accurate controls on the quality of  a product, to remove liquid and solid elements stemming from previous processing and, sometimes, to functionalise the component’s surfaces.

Over the years, a variety of solutions has been created to respond to different costs, dimensions and cleaning accuracy needs. For this reason, the definition of the best technology for a single manufacturing field must be carefully evaluated, considering both the upsides and downsides of each technology.

These solutions are generally divided in four categories, depending on the main type of energy entered in the system:

  • Mechanic
  • Chemical
  • Thermal
  • Physical

Following a first overview to identify the foundations of the washing porcesses, these four categories were expanded, defining the single technologies related to each category. for every solution, we defined the main aspects in order to favour a proper comprehension of the theme.

After a first dialogue and results’ presentation phase with the company, the research was refined focusing on a specific technology, majorly weighted for the specific use of the company.