Round tables PDM & PLM

The roundtable aims to allow the CRIT member companies to carry out an update on the theme "PDM-PLM"

Round tables Risk Management in the Customer-Supplier relationship

The meeting will start from the corporate testimonials of Ducati Motor Holding and Comer Industries to investigate the issue of risk management in the customer-supplier relationship.

Round tables SCM technologies: technical directors in comparison

Benchmark table reserved for Technical Directors and R&D Managers aimed at stimulating an open and constructive comparison on one of the most articulated and complex products of SCM Group: the edge bander.

Round tables The collaborative approach to problem solving: CRIT’s 2015 project and the proposal for 2016

The objective of the working table is to share the activities and results that emerged from the Collaborative Problem Solving project, now in its second edition (a first pilot project was carried out in 2014), which saw IMA, SACMI and SCM as protagonists Group, with the coordination of CRIT and the technical support of an external tutor expert in problem solving methodologies (mainly TRIZ).

Round tables Methodologies and tools for software development and management: OPC-UA

The "smart factory" cannot disregard the adoption of a standard solution for connectivity. OPC-UA is establishing itself as the most accredited standard in industrial communications, on which to base the evolution of corporate strategies towards the technological paradigms Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

Round tables Drawingless Manufacturing

Work table aimed at comparing the experiences of member companies about the management and transmission of 'Product and Manufacturing Information', from the design department to the production function.

Round tables Opportunities and criticalities in the management of offshore development sites

The process of relocation of intangible assets to developing areas (India, China, Korea, Czech Republic, Romania) emerges today as a precious opportunity. The proposed meeting intends to investigate the problems and needs that a company that finds itself starting and managing an offshore development site encounters.