Cyber Security for Cyber Physical Systems


Tue 10 May 2016

Event description

Open and smart Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are considered to be the next revolution in ICT with enormous business potential enabling novel business models for integrated services and products. In many areas of CPS devices, there is a strong trend towards open systems, which can be extended during operation by instantly adding functionalities on demand.

In this area, it is interesting to investigate the functional extension provided by apps, as it is already common for mobile and other consumer devices. While such apps provide extra user value, there are considerable challenges for connected CPS devices regarding safety of the controlled system as well as safety and privacy of the user. Despite many efforts on trustworthy systems, security attacks become more and more common, especially when easier or more rewarding targets are introduced.

There is a need of appropriate assurances that ICT systems are secure and trustworthy by design as well as a need of certified levels of assurance where security is regarded as the primary concern. Likewise, target architectures and methods improving the efficiency of assurance cases are needed in order to lower their costs.

The seminar will focus on all these themes, involving as speakers, international companies specialized in engineering CPS and developing cyber security solutions. Fortiss, STMicroelectronics, Virtual Open Systems and Energica Motor Company are partners within the TAPPS project (Trusted apps for Open CPSs). During the seminar, there will be the opportunity to show the intermediate results of this project and to go more in depth in partners’ core competences related to Cyber security for Cyber Physical Systems.

TAPPS project is funded by the European Commission in 2015 within H2020 program.



FORTISS | ST Microelectronics | TTTech | Virtual Open Systems | Actility | Fondazione Centro San Raffaele | Technological Educational Institute of Crete | Energica | Ospedale San Raffaele (Third Party and external partner)

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